
Webinar seriesIntroduction to Inclusive Financing for Energy Efficiency; The Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (link takes you to the “Archives” page, select “2017” and go to the bottom of the page to find the first video webinar.) SEEA provides resources and technical assistance to utilities and others interested in advancing energy efficiency using a tariffed on-bill (i.e., PAYS®) program. They have produced this eight-part webinar series that provides an introduction to the concept and describes active programs in the region. January – August, 2017

WebinarPay As You Save® (PAYS®) Tariffed On-Utility-Bill Efficiency System; Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance webinar introducing advocates to the Pay As You Save system (PowerPoint™ presentation and PDF speaker’s notes).  March 2, 2011

Webinar: Tariffed On-Water-Bill Program for Sonoma County Based on Pay As You Save®. Presentation outlines key features of implementing a PAYS program. It was the first presentation about implementing PAYS for a water utility. (PowerPoint™ presentation and PDF speaker’s notes).  January 25, 2011